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People Are Selling Rs 2,000 Notes On Ebay For Rs 1.51 Lakhs

On Wednesday, new Rs 2,000 notes were being sold on eBay India at a hefty premium, starting from Rs 3,500 (paid by credit card or online transfer). But if you are superstitious, you need to cough up much more for notes whose serial numbers have religious connotations.

For instance, a series of five Rs 2,000 notes starting with the number 786, were being offered by a seller on the marketplace for Rs 1.51 lakh.

"In India, people are ready to pay a premium for goods that sport numbers with religious significance such as vehicle number plates, mobile numbers or even residential addresses," said a New Delhi-based astrologer, who did not want to be named."There has been no successful transaction for Rs 2,000 currency notes," the spokesperson said adding that the company was disabling access to the notified listings to avoid any sort of legal hassle.

In July last year, many online marketplaces including eBay India have issued notices by MP high court for the alleged online trading of Indian currency carrying 'unique' numbers. In November, private individuals were selling the latest series of Re 1 notes on e-commerce sites at nearly 100 times their value.
Times of India Source

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